Practical - Cashless event



The international youth tournament U-15 will take place on Saturday 31 May and Sunday 1 June 2025, from 9:30am on Saturday and from 9:00am on Sunday. Entry from 1 hour before the start of the first matches.


The grounds of KVE Drongen
Complex Keiskant
Sint-Gerolf Street 16
9031 Drongen (near Ghent)

The site is easily accessible, also for disabled people.


Day ticket : €12 pp.
Weekend ticket : 20 € pp.
-13 years = free admission

Tickets for sale at Tickoweb.
If you have any questions about your tickets, please contact us at Tickoweb Help.

To avoid any queues, it is best to buy your ticket in advance. There is no extra charge for buying your ticket online. Don't forget to print your ticket on the day of your visit and bring it with you.

Digital payment only at KDB Cup!

During the upcoming edition of the KDB Cup (31 May - 1 June 2025), you will digital only pay. This is safer, more hygienic (no more cash going from hand to hand) and we can charge the right prices without having to round up.

Entry tickets, drinks and food can be paid from now on with one of the following payment cards: Maestro, Bancontact, Visa, Mastercard.

Additional security measures

Additional measures are taken in the context of safety. In concrete terms this means:

  • A limited number of lockers are provided at the entrance for a fee
  • No handbags/backpacks larger than A4 may be brought in
  • No frigoboxes are allowed
  • No food or drink allowed
  • Dogs on a leash



If you have any questions, would like an interview, photos or to apply for press accreditation, please mail to


There will be pictures taken at this event. These photos can be published on the website, social media channels of KDB Cup and can be used in offline promotional material of KDB Cup.

As the person portrayed, you always have the right to oppose the use of your photo in our online and offline channels.
For this you can best contact

KDB Cup is an UiTPAS partner

UiTPAS Regio Gent is a savings and advantage card for all kinds of leisure activities in Ghent. Are you coming to the KDB Cup? Do not forget your UiTPAS and save one point!
Are you a resident of Ghent, Merelbeke, Melle, Lochristi or Destelbergen and are you entitled to an increased allowance, living wage or debt mediation? Then you get a discount on your ticket with your UiTPAS 80%. The presale of tickets at the UiTPAS fare continues in the Onion Shop, Veldstraat 82 B, 9000 Ghent.

ATTENTION: the UiTPAS is a personal card! If you would like more information about UiTPAS, please visit: UiTPAS

Staying at

Are you looking for a place to sleep, take a look at the website of our partner Holiday Inn or  Visit Ghent. You will get a complete overview of accommodation options for every budget. 


The Keiskant complex is easily accessible by bicycle, public transport and car. It is located near the N466 (Deinsesteenweg) and the E40. The Drongen train station is within walking distance and there are also several De Lijn stops in the vicinity of the football ground.

Accessibility and parking

The Keiskant complex is easily accessible by bicycle, public transport and car. It is located near the N466 (Deinsesteenweg) and the E40. The Drongen train station is within walking distance and there are also several De Lijn stops in the vicinity of the football ground.
If you are by car you should take into account some important traffic changes in force throughout the KDB Cup weekend:

Deinsesteenweg - Drongen

The speed on Deinsesteenweg will be reduced to 50 km/h (instead of 90 km/h) at the following locations:

Coming from Ghent: over the railway bridge until past St. Gerolfstraat
   – Coming from Deinze: from the traffic lights (Raapstraat) to the Carrefour

Through modified traffic signs, the speed limit will be indicated from Saturday 1 June 6 am to Sunday 2 June at 10 pm.

Approach to the KDB Cup

Given there is one-way traffic in St Gerolfstraat, the only approach route is Deinsesteenweg.

Diversions when leaving the KDB Cup

When leaving the car parks, turn right only or if you are parked in St Gerolfstraat follow the following route:

St. Gerolstraat, Varendrieskouter, end right Deinse Horsweg, end right towards Ghent and cross lane towards Deinze - autostrade

This route will be marked WAY OUT - Deinsesteenweg.