
Work as a volunteer at the KDB Cup!

From 25 February to 5 March, it is 'Volunteer Week 2023'. Volunteers are golden for any club or organisation. Some 400 volunteers are working on the Kevin De Bruyne Cup. But there may be even more.

"We are very grateful to our volunteers," says tournament director Jeroen Verhille. "Field managers, ball boys, bar staff, security people... : without them, the KDB Cup could not exist. Anyway: we can still use extra helping hands, both from a week and a half before the tournament (also after working hours and during the weekend), as well as during the weekend and (the days) afterwards. People who want to serve in the catering tent for players and coaching staff, or help out in the taproom and on the terraces; people who want to sit at the entrance; people who want to roll up their sleeves vigorously to lay driving plates, hang banners, pull electrical cables, and so on - all are welcome!"

Would you like to help out? Send an email to vrijwilligers.kdb@hotmail.com or click on this link and mention what you would like to do and when you are available. The 6the edition of the KDB Cup will take place on 10 and 11 June 2023. On Friday night 9 June sees the traditional pre-opening with a BV match and the Open Air Party.